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eighth millennium造句

  • From that perspective, Proto-Berber was the first Berber stage to depart from Proto-Afrosiatic in the eighth millennium.
  • Some questions raised during eighth Millennium Evening at the White House, which focused on genetic research and information technology, were more puzzling than others:
  • Some questions raised during the eighth Millennium Evening at the White House, which focused on genetic research and information technology, were more puzzling than others:
  • Earlier traces of metallurgy were found in Mesopotamia, today's Iraq, and were dated to the eighth millennium B . C ., Leshtakov said.
  • There are at least 40 other calendars in use worldwide _ a few of which are already working on their fifth, sixth or even eighth millenniums, by the way.
  • In the eighth millennium BC, agricultural communities such as Chogha Bonut ( the earliest village in Susiana ) started to form in western Iran, either as a result of indigenous development or of outside influences.
  • The ride up offers a bird's-eye view of two other historic sites : Tel al-Sultan, an excavated mound opposite the base station that contains the ruins of ancient Jericho dating back to the eighth millennium B . C ., and the remains of sugar mills built by Crusaders.
  • The Eighth Millennium Development Goal ( MDG8 ) was designed " to create an environment  at the national and global levels alike  conducive to development and to the elimination of poverty . " The OECD argue that progress in achieving the MDG8 has been limited and in fact the MDG8 downplayed the importance of domestic policies and domestic resource mobilisation in financing the MDGs and fostering development.
  • Archeologists believe that food-producing societies first emerged in the Levantine region of southwest Asia at the close of the last glacial period around 12, 000 BCE, and developed into a number of regionally distinctive cultures by the eighth millennium BCE . Remains of food-producing societies in the Aegean ) show some continuity with groups in southwest Asia and Anatolia ( e . g ., 莂talh鰕黭 ).
  • Another dating system is based on examining the differences that characterize ancient stages of Semitic and Egyptian in the third millennium BC . Many researchers have estimated the differences to have taken 4000 years to evolve, resulting in breaking this language family in six distinct groups ( Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, Chadic and Omotic ) in the eighth millennium BC . Proto-Afroasiatic is thus from the tenth millennium since it took at least 2000 years before it reached the stage where these different branches of this language family evolved.
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